Triangle Building Products Corp. wants to assure our customers and vendors that we are monitoring the spread of the COVID-19 very closely, as well as adhering to the official guidelines set forth by the CDC to ensure the safety of both our employees, and yours. We have reviewed and implemented procedures and protocols that include our delivery drivers staying within the ascertained 6’ social distancing range from any other personnel on job sites, as well as requesting that all delivery drivers remain outside of building.

Please note that our “In Home Repair Service” is being suspended to occupied residences, only. Unoccupied projects will still receive this service.
Cabinet, window and door deliveries will still be made as scheduled. However, if the dwelling is occupied, our driver will deliver only as far as the garage. Please call our customer service department to make a credit card payment, or to arrange our receipt of your check.
Triangle will continue to service our customers to the best of our ability, and follow our delivery schedule as closely as we can. As everyone in the nation adjusts their business conventions to accommodate closures of businesses, and schools, we ask for your patience and understanding during this time.
Until further notice, our Showroom hours will be by appointment only. Please feel free to reach out to your Triangle salesperson to answer any of your questions.